
The Yoga Center of Columbia is a force of nature. It is one of the largest yoga studios on the east coast and its 31 year history is a testament to the power of these mindfulness practices and the strength of our community. I offer my Namastes and pranams (humble bows) to you, your personal practices, and your warmth and love.

One quality of nature we can all count on is change. Yoga postures were formed by ancient sages observing animals and things in nature and how they moved in order to maintain proper balance in their lives. In Ayurveda we say movement restores health. Even Joseph Pilates took inspiration from animals in nature when he was developing his Pilates method. We are the beneficiaries of that study and those movements.

It is in this spirit that you will start to notice some changes to the look of the Yoga Center of Columbia. Over the next few weeks and months, there will be some cosmetic changes to the studio and also to the logo. We are still the same great community of teachers and students but in a process of evolution.

A mandala is a sacred symbol for many cultures. It is a circular design that represents the circle of life. In the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, it is used to bring mental focus and spiritual awakening. Chakras, spiritual vortexes of energy within the body, are mandalas. We even find mandalas in Native American traditions. The Mayans used the circular form to denote the passage of time and the Aztecs used it to represent the whole of the universe. Mandala designs even appear in Christianity in the form of circular stained glass patterns in England and Italy among other places. A BBC article states “The circle embodies all of the attributes that attract us: it is a safe, gentle, pleasant, graceful, dreamy, and even beautiful shape that evokes calmness, peacefulness, and relaxation.” There is something mesmerizing about circular patterns that draws us in, that brings greater focus, greater present moment awareness. And as a yoga practitioner, you may already know that increased awareness leads to a state of peace and happiness.

Our new logo is a mandala design. The outer rim consists of two sets of eight petals. In Indian philosophy, eight is the number of good health and abundance. The inner layer has two sets of six petals each. The six petals represent two interlocking triangles, one pointing upward and one pointing down. This is a powerful symbol as well, the triangle pointing upward reflecting our higher nature as human beings, our fullest potential to which we aspire. The triangle pointing downward represents worldly manifestation and the mark that we might leave on this planet. Finally, the dot in the center, known as the bindu, represents the heart of our experience. It is the One from which the many arise. It is the root of the cosmos at its manifesting point in our world. It is the ground of being itself on which all players dance.

What kind of mark do you want to leave on this planet? At the Yoga Center of Columbia, we aspire to bring good health and a sense of peace to all those who enter our doors. We are an inclusive community that welcomes all shapes, all colors, all sizes. All abilities, all bodies, all ages. Yoga is for every body and the benefits of yoga, Pilates, meditation and qigong know no bounds.

I hope you'll visit with us in person or online at the Yoga Center of Columbia and come along on our journey of evolution.

with love,


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