Chris McCloskey

RYT 500, MBSR Instructor

What are your current areas of interest related to your practice?

The practice of asana, meditation, pranayama, mantras and mudras help us to connect with the peaceful place inside.  By practicing loving kindness and compassion with ourselves and others we can bring healing energy to ourselves and others. By connecting mindfully with nature and honoring the earth we can open with gratitude to the joy of the gift of life.

Besides teaching yoga, how do you spend your time?

Hiking, Backpacking, strength training. My husband and I support organizations like the Sierra Club, and other organizations that preserve and honor our natural environment.  Our YCC "Community Hikes" donations support the Middle Patuxent Environmental Area & Foundation.

What to expect in class: Chris offers students an alignment based yoga practice designed to create spaciousness in the body, mind, and spirit.  

Chris has been practicing yoga since 2008, is a graduate of the Yoga Center of Columbia teacher training programs, and has been teaching yoga since 2012. She began teaching with the Yoga Center of Columbia in 2015. As a graduate of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, Chris shares with students methods for reducing stress, enhancing well-being, and bringing peace into their daily lives.